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Central Park Pergolas, Griesbach

Our Location

The Griesbach Community League covers the area between 137 Avenue, Castledowns Road, 153 Avenue and 97 Street in Edmonton.


Griesbach Community League

Our Mission

To ensure Griesbach remains one of the most desirable, vibrant, safest and engaged communities in Edmonton by representing the needs and interests of Griesbach residents.

Current Bylaws

As a registered non-profit organization, Griesbach Community League is governed by a set of bylaws. These bylaws outline the makeup of the board and establish rules around voting, meetings, membership and much more.


Board of Directors


President: Carl Knowler
Vice President: Brett Winegarden
Treasurer: Dianne Forte
Secretary: Justin Laverty-Harrigan


Civics & Community Development: Vacant
Communications: George Hong
Facilities & Structures: Brad Tilley
Fundraising: Vacant
Memberships: Vacant
Neighbourhood Watch: David Stawn
Past-president: Vacant
Parks and Community Gardens: Vacant
Sports: Simon Chin
VolunteersRobert Lopetinsky
Bookkeeper: Carolina Correia
Member at Large 1: Michelle Yez
Member at Large 2: Brookes Merritt
Member at Large 3: Jonothan Muckle
Member at Large 4: Chris Nelson
Member at Large 5: Ramanpreet Singh
what we do

Roles & Responsibilities

Are you interested in running for the board? Are you curious to know which director might be best suited to help you with a particular issue, idea or concern. Below is a list outlining the roles and responsibilities of each director.

All Directors

A director is expected to be fully informed on community league matters and participate in discussions and decisions in matters of policy, finance, programs, personnel and advocacy.

  • Commit to the work of the organization.
  • Review the board’s conduct and monitor its performance to ensure compliance with bylaws and policies.
  • Speak positively of the league and assist in developing and maintaining positive relations among the board, committees and communities to enhance the league’s mission.
  • Orient new board members.
  • Prepare for and arrive on time for all required meetings.
  • Develop, monitor, review and approve all policies and other recommendations received from the board, its standing committees and staff.
  • Review the bylaws and recommend changes to the membership.
  • Participate in the development of the league’s organizational plan, annual review and budget.
  • Approve the budget and other financial matters.
  • Prepare and present required reports at board meetings.
  • Prepare and present an annual report at the annual general meeting.

Term of office for all positions on GCL Board is two years, though positions are staggered – meaning only ½ of the Directors are elected each year.


  • Provides leadership to the board by:
    • encouraging board members to participate in meetings and activities
    • focusing the board’s activities on the organization’s mission
  • Ensures the board members are oriented, trained and recognized for their contributions.
  • Evaluates the effectiveness of the board’s decision-making process.
  • Acts as a liaison between the community league and other community leagues or civic organizations.
  • Promotes the organization’s purpose in the community and to the media and acts as spokesperson for the league.
  • Is the primary liaison between the league and EFCL.
  • Participates in the selection and release of any paid employees in consultation with other executive officers.
  • Plays a leading role in supporting fundraising activities.
  • Is responsible for committees by:
    • serving as an ex-officio member of all committees and attending their meetings when needed;
    • ensuring that committee chairpersons are appointed
  • Arranges for the orientation of committee chairpersons.
  • Is responsible for the board’s agenda.
  • Chairs meetings of the community league according to Robert’s Rules of Order or as designated in the bylaws and ensure meetings adhere to the agenda.
    • Per Robert’s Rules, votes on Board motions/major decisions only in the event of a tie;
  • Acts as one of the signing officers for cheques and other documents such as contracts and grant applications.
  • Prepares a President’s Report for the annual general meeting.

Vice President

  • Acts in the absence of the president/chairperson.
  • Assists president whenever possible.
  • Is familiar with all committee members and their duties.
  • Works with President and (future) Past President in the identification, participation and nomination of new Board members
  • Other special duties by interest or assignment.


  • Gives regular reports to the board on the financial state of the community league.
  • Acts as signing officer, with President/Chair, for cheques and other documents.
  • Issues cheques for all invoices.
  • Make deposits.
  • Enters all transactions in the journal and balances monthly.
  • Arranges for annual audit of books.
  • Prepares financial statements.
  • Completes security clearance check.


  • Keeps copies of the bylaws, minutes and other documents.
  • Keeps lists of Directors, committees and general membership.
  • Informs EFCL of Board member updates after elections.
  • Records all minutes during board and general meetings.
  • Files correspondence.
  • Ensures there is a quorum.
  • Records all motions and decisions of meetings.
  • Distributes copies of minutes to directors and posts minutes online (if applicable) promptly after meetings
  • Notifies members of general meetings.
  • Files the annual return, amendments to the bylaws and other incorporating documents with the Corporate Registry.
  • In the absence of the chairperson and vice- chairperson, chairs board meetings until the election of an alternate chairperson.
  • Archives league records.

Fundraising Director

  • Applies for grants and permits to run gaming events such as bingo and casinos
  • Works with Social Director in the development of ‘special’ fundraising events (Silent auctions, etc.) and helps secure appropriate donations
  • Liaises with Structures and Facilities Director in fund development for specific project (i.e. Playground)
  • (When the time comes for GCL) Prepares written reports on gaming events twice annually and submits the reports to Attorney General’s Department.
  • Maintains financial records.

Structures and Facilities

  • Responsible for all community facilities and structures – including all historical/commemorative military structures
  • Supervises building maintenance and repair.
  • Reviews condition of facilities and structures
  • Maintains up-to-date building maintenance records.
  • Advises league on maintenance and upgrades.
  • Obtains estimates for maintenance, repair and upgrade work.
  • Coordinates the development (including fund development) for the Griesbach Community Playground Development
  • Recommends upgrades to all facilities as required.

Membership Director

  • Manages annual recruitment drive.
  • Prepares the membership list and updates records.
  • Orders membership supplies from the EFCL.
  • Check online membership sales at and distributes cards and skate tags
  • Attend sports / program registrations to sell memberships as required
  • Recruits and supervises volunteer canvassers.
  • Reviews and prepares policy and procedures with respect to membership.
  • Recommends fee structure and strategies to increase membership.

Program Director

  • Works with the City Community Recreation Coordinators (CRCs).
  • Determines which programs will be offered to the community, then arranges for instructors and accommodation.
  • Applies for grants for specific programs.
  • Arranges registrations.
  • Prepares budget and financial reports for the treasurer.
  • Arranges payments to instructors, keeps appropriate records.
  • Arranges access to the facilities used.

Communication Director

  • Manages all aspects of the production and distribution of the GCL newsletter.
  • Manages the website and social media.
  • Manages all aspects of other communication tools such as bulletins or news releases (if applicable).
  • Manages appropriate advertising for the league.
  • Works with program director and others as required to promote events and initiatives.

Civics and Community Development

  • Monitors land use, transportation issues and other civic concerns.
  • Represents (alongside the President) the Community at events/consultations with the City of Edmonton, Government of Alberta, etc. and reports to the board on matters relating to the neighbourhood.
  • Establishes ad hoc committees to address specific issues.
  • Liaises with Canada Lands Company in the ongoing development of Griesbach;
  • Coordinates submissions and inquiries to government and other organizations.

Sports Director

  • Reviews and prepares policy and procedures related to sports programs.
  • Recruits coaches.
  • Delegates coaching responsibilities.
  • Organizes registration times.
  • Recommends and collects sports programs fees.
  • Coordinates maintenance of GCL-owned equipment (soccer balls, jersies, nets, etc.)
  • Attends zone and other city-wide related meetings.

Volunteers Director

  • Ensures a robust listing of volunteers is maintained for GCL events;
  • Works with Sports Director to ensure volunteer deposit process is active, tracked and maintained;
  • Recruits and assign volunteers to GCL social events, delivery of newsletters, fundraising ‘drives’ (Bottle drive, etc.) and Bingos and Casinos

Neighbourhood Watch Director

  • Liaises with Edmonton Police Service to ensure a safe community. This includes:
  • Reporting of major concerns;
  • Implementation of action plans
  • Maintains Griesbach’s Neighbourhood Watch Facebook Group
  • Works with Communication Director to ensure any important issues are communicated to all residents

Griesbach Gardens Director

  • Liaises with Canada Lands Company in the planting and maintenance of Griesbach major garden areas
  • Acts as the GCL connection with the Griesbach Community Gardens

Social Director

  • Coordinates large social events for the GCL
  • Develops and chairs committee for implementation
  • Develops and maintains budget
  • Works with Treasurer and Fundraising Director to ensure funds accepted (should they be) are properly tracked and assigned.

Member at Large

  • Participates in meetings providing advice – often this individual will have specified background/knowledge/skills/connections lacking on the Board of Directors as a whole
  • Participates in committees

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Griesbach Community League, Edmonton

To ensure Griesbach remains one of the most desirable, vibrant, safest and engaged communities in Edmonton by representing the needs and interests of Griesbach residents.


Purchase your annual Griesbach Community League membership online. $25/household (plus administration fee).

Griesbach Community League © 2024. All Rights Reserved.